"who should read this book" için bulunan sonuçlar:

Leanpub: Publish Early, Publish Often

We pay 80% royalties on purchases of $7.99 or more, and 80% royalties minus a 50 cent flat fee on purchases between $0.99 and $7.98. You earn $8 on a $10 sale, and $16 on a $20 sale. So, if we sell 5000 non-refunded copi...


Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner

In one word: automation. The less work you have to do when performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc, the easier your job becomes. After you've configured it through a Gruntfi...


Getting Started | QUnit

You can also find support on StackOverflow. Use the “qunit” hashtag on StackOverflow to search existing questions or ask your own question. If you need help, or want to participate in sharing and discussing ideas, join u...


Cloudflare TV

During this year's Security Week, we'll make Zero Trust even more accessible and enterprise-ready, better protect brands from phishing and fraud, streamline security management, deliver dynamic machine learning protectio...


Relationship… by Scott and Mo Hanselman [Leanpub PDF/iPad/Kindle]

You might both be geeks, living in some kind of geek paradise collecting Star Wars figurines and comic books and doing scene by scene reenactments of Lord of the Rings. But more likely only one of you is. It is these rel...


jQuery Mobile Book: Master Mobile Web Apps with jQuery Mobile | The Elated Store

Matt Doyle is an experienced technical author and coder who has written two well-received books on Photoshop and PHP. He has also written articles for Elated.com and SitePoint on a variety of topics, including PHP, CSS, ...


Resources | jQuery Mobile

In this section, we have gathered useful resources that will help you learn more about jQuery Mobile, find tools to develop jQuery Mobile application designs and mockups, tutorials and tools to guide your through the dev...


MenloHacks V

The Bay Area's best high school hackathon is coming back. Started in 2016, MenloHacks V is the latest iteration of the MenloHacks 24-hour hackathon. Every year, more than 150 high school students come together to produce...


MenloHacks V

The Bay Area's best high school hackathon is coming back. Started in 2016, MenloHacks V is the latest iteration of the MenloHacks 24-hour hackathon. Every year, more than 150 high school students come together to produce...


MenloHacks V

The Bay Area's best high school hackathon is coming back. Started in 2016, MenloHacks V is the latest iteration of the MenloHacks 24-hour hackathon. Every year, more than 150 high school students come together to produce...
